ASCENDER News2022-11-08T14:52:38-06:00


Part 3: The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni

January 12th, 2021|Leadership|

Health before intelligence!  Healthy organizations breed continued learning and intelligence from its leaders learning from one another, identify and work on critical issues and recover from mistakes. Leaders who model the expectations of working through problems and rallying around

Part 2: The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni

January 7th, 2021|Leadership|

Organizational health must be preceded by leaders who can humble themselves to overcome three biases:  Sophistication, Adrenaline and Quantification.Sophistication bias is a problem due to the simplicity of organizational health. Leaders often see change and movement as complex and

Teaching and Learning – Feedback

December 8th, 2020|Teaching and Learning|

Feedback is an integral part of teaching and learning.  When provided in a timely manner, with specificity, feedback can be as powerful as direct instruction.  However, individual feedback takes time and can be taxing when many students need the

Technology – Boston Dynamics

December 8th, 2020|Technology|

Boston Dynamics’ Robots Won’t Take Our Jobs...YetSimon, Matt. (Host). (2020, October 26). The Robots are Coming [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from hear it all the time, that once futuristic cartoon, “The Jetsons” has become a reality.  Robots will soon

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