
For more than 50 years the Texas Computer Cooperative (TCC) has been the leader in delivering products and services that support Texas LEAs in managing 
Student and Business information.


Work with, learn from, and help our clients create such high levels of value that together we set new, unique standards of excellence.


Provide comprehensive administrative software to school districts, charter schools, and education service centers throughout the state of Texas.


Our software serves over 878 of the roughly 1250 local education agencies (LEAs) in Texas, supported by 19 Education Service Centers, accounting for nearly 75% of Texas LEAs.

The Texas Computer Cooperative (TCC) is a collaborative organization of 19 Education Service Centers that provides technology services and software to Texas K-12 public schools. Established to support administrative and instructional processes, the TCC works to enhance efficiency and reduce costs for districts and equips Texas K-12 educators with technology and supports that improve educational outcomes.

The ASCENDER products build on the TCC’s statewide success in
compliance and reporting, empowering LEAs to make informed
decisions through powerful yet flexible tools and applications.

ASCENDER is a suite of integrated software solutions designed to meet the needs of educational institutions in Texas. Developed by the Texas Computer Cooperative (TCC), ASCENDER offers various modules and applications to support administrative functions, student information management, and instructional needs within Texas K-12 schools.


ASCENDER software is specifically designed to meet the attendance requirements outlined in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. With comprehensive and integrated applications, ASCENDER drives efficiency and accuracy in school administration and student support services.

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